
Android hack microsoft activesync
Android hack microsoft activesync

android hack microsoft activesync

Please tell your handler you need a better phone and that you don't want ActiveSync or Nitrodesk and that you can't use any phones made by Samsung, LG, Sony or HTC. and that you don't send stuff affecting national security via text message or email. If this is really something that is critical to you, I hope you're a real actual spy. well, if my boss said he wanted that capability, I'd tell him it'd be a lot cheaper and faster just to hire a couple thugs to club our users, steal the phones and read the messages that way. It's theoretically possible that your company admins could hack Outlook at the office to automatically ask and answer that prompt, but the amount of time and effort it would take (plus having to redo it every time Outlook gets a patch from Microsoft).

android hack microsoft activesync

Even on an enabled device, Outlook will prompt the user to allow it. The last part about the SMS sync is relatively new (probably only supported on 4.4+ devices) and is up to the phone manufacturer to enable. All manufacturers have to adhere to certain Microsoft requirements in order to use it, which means the features are fairly standard and can't be set up to add major backdoors without everyone finding out about it.įor an Android on 4.0+, the basic capabilities are as follows: Remote Wipe, attachment downloading restrictions, force storage encryption, restrict OTA updates, basic message encryption and recall, quarantine device, support/allow SMS Sync. The exact capabilities are dependent on the Exchange server version (at your office) and the interface your manufacturer applied on the phone. ActiveSync is one of the most common corporate email sync/control process and is quite well known. I'm an Exchange admin, have been for a long time.

Android hack microsoft activesync